Sexually Transmitted Diseases
It is presented as a sum of bubbles over a red plate. The simple herpes does not immunise the patient, so there are not rare cases that the desease may reappear.
It is caused from the simple herpes virus, type II. Reasons to reappear are the menstruation, the psychological and somatic stress, the microbial deseases, the flu, etc.
An infectious and transmissible desease. It is caused by the treponema palidum microbe and transmitted through the sexual contact. The microbe can enter from every part of the body or mucous glands that have a micro-trauma. At the point of intrusion, an ulcer is caused, at the color of the muscle.
There is a radical treatment to treat syphilis, yet very careful monitoring is required afterwards, from an experienced dermatologist and for a long time after the gtreatment completion.
A desease caused by the gonoccoc. A few days after the contact, a dense fluid appears with a steady and rich flow from the urethra.
A special treatment is given after the culture of the fluids. The patient must be monitored for at least three months to make sure a complete therapy.
It is an urethritis that resembles blenorhagia, the fluid produced from the urethra, however, is not dense, nor constant and it is very mild. It is caused mainly from chlamydia and ureaplasma or mycoplasma.
A culture of sperm or fluid for men and sinus and cervix fluid for women must be conducted at first, to identify the microbe responsible, so as the suitable antibiosis would be given.
It is an infection caused by the human papilloma virus HPV. It has the appearance of a skin stems, mainly in the gennital area. It is visible in men, but not in the women, where the virus may appear in the vagina or the cervix as well.
The virus has no implications to men. A few sub-types of this virus can be connected to cervix cancer in women. Thus, it is necessary for women to identify the virus through special tests.
The therapy tries to eliminate the stems, since there is no medicine to kill the virus. This means that for a year at least, the virus will remain active and can generate new stems, despite the treatment provided. As a therapy, products like cremes or operative methods like laser, diathermocoagulation are used.